
Trip Media

A Collection of information

in various forms, colorful, relevant, important, diverse, and local.

To be provided:

As a mobile exhibit/display, mounted on a New York City pedicab,

As a 24-page full-color tabloid,

As a monitored website, geared to a locality.

To structure this as a worker-owned cooperative, with the intention of using profits to expand into as many places as it is relevant.

To do this in one neighborhood to begin, in order to demonstrate the validity of this new resource to communities, based on their needs, for movement, and for useful information.

To collect examples of the many talents and varied experiences of local residents and provide a means for them to share their gifts with deserving others.

To develop the means to present a wide variety of articulate statements on vital issues, to begin conversations that can lead to more informed understandings.

The 24 or more mounted panels will focus on a wide variety of different subjects. Some will be established, such as local history and a guide to services, others will be changed on a regular basis, evolving as further contributions permit.

Various information will need to be researched and established, and tasks performed, to accomplish this project.

These include:

Choosing the neighborhood, route, and stopping points

Finding three or more operators and orienting them

Financial and legal paperwork must be completed

The website must be designed and created to reproduce display and permit interaction.

The system for mounting and displaying artwork must be tested and perfected.

Choosing the rarely-seen International political cartoons that occupy half of the panels.

Capturing all of the artwork and information in 3 Mediums, posters, paper, and website.

Using the reproduction of artwork, using archival ink and papers, as an income source.

Local history must be researched and written, updated when possible.

Postings relative to available spaces, and employment can generate financial support.

A calendar of local personal, and creative events, healthy exercise possibilities, etc.

Offerings of free goods and opportunities, education, rides, help with other shared needs.

Space for community-connected activity, political, cultural, environmental, joy, & pets.

Ads for local businesses and for-pay services can help provide income for this effort.

The operations of the pedicab are the most complex elements of this proposal.

Some part of the time, it would operate on a regulated route. It would connect to local transit and other important locations. There would be no charge to passengers but they would be encouraged to tip generously.

At other times, the vehicle would be available for private tours and personal destinations.

They would also do deliveries as available.

Their most unusual feature is that they would stop at designated locations, at certain times, and deploy their displays, which are mounted in spring-loaded shades. Copies of the displayed panels, artwork, etc., printed on archival paper and with archival inks, can be purchased.

They would also collect material from local residents to be incorporated into further displays. Optimally, operators would become very familiar with their surroundings and begin to function as participants in ongoing events and discussions, the best-informed person on many local matters, including opportunities relating to employment and available space and other resources, a griot, and a concierge.

This proposal is being put together, initially, by Steven Stollman, a founder of the NYC pedicab industry, a designer and fabricator, and an environmental, transportation, and community activist. There is further information on this project on www.LightWheels.com including an animation of the panels being displayed on the “Half” vehicle, a prototype of the one intended to be used as part of this undertaking.